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The future is a time that cannot be predicted and can be studied. The direction of human life has been determined by True Source. Just as the doomsday and the day of vengeance men continue to practice for the provision of their respective lives. The time has been determined by the footsteps of the predecessors, it is absolutely going to happen.

Every human being has the talent and the way to express what he sees and what he thinks. Such a way I am Imadul Auwalin or Nusantara Fotografi The founder of Alhazennusantara Group has a way of carrying out God's command to return to the afterlife. Making good can be said to be a mandatory thing for every human being to do, God has told us to do virtue, it is for the person of every servant. 

The nature of the world is a place for us to live our lives, worship and seek provisions for the afterlife. Give space in doing things in the world, he will give his best, of course do not damage the Nature that has been created by God. Man as the caliph of the earth certainly has a will and that will cannot be separated from God's gift. Give your best to others and God will love what you do.


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Air Kopi Khop dan Kuliner Mie Aceh di Puncak Gunung Geurute Aceh Jaya

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Minggu Menyapa Kekasih Dalam Balutan Rindu

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Aceh's Historical Relations with Singapore

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