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Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam's Relationship with Turkey

Aceh Darussalam had diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire, including in order to seek help to repel colonialism by the Portuguese who at that time monopolized trade and were considered dangerous for the development of the Aceh sultanate. The Aceh Sultanate began to have diplomatic relations with Ottoman Turkey since the 16th century. Aceh has on several occasions sent envoys to Istanbul to ask for military assistance. They transported the products of trade commodities, especially pepper, to be offered to the sultan. As a result, Turkey sent instructors, soldiers, and weapons to Aceh to fight the invaders. Thus, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam established political relations with the Ottoman Empire in order to seek help in expelling the Portuguese who monopolized trade and were considered enemies in the field. Harmonization between Aceh and Turkey still has historical evidence until now such as the tomb of Tgk. Dibitai (Salahaddin). In addition to the desire to help Aceh as a brother, f

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam's Relationship With The United States

The choice of sultan fell to Tuanku Ibrahim Raja Pakeh Ali Pidie. to draft a treaty with the United States is exactly right. Because he is a young Acehnese figure who has talent as a diplomat. He had a relationship between nations.  Here's a snapshot of some of the personal descriptions of Tuanku Ibrahim described by Studer, the American Consul in Singapore in a report sent to the State Department in Washington D.C. "This officer, tuanku Ibrahim etc a young man about 25 years of agemwould make an excellent impression anywhere, his manners and bearing are polished and dignified, his man ner of speech cool,  sagacious and well chosen, and all natural, and I candidly and truly say that he would grace the best of society anywhere, and when considering, that there are many more such man among his nation , it seems to be quite natural that they should feel perpectly able of taking care of themselves". Freely he meant roughly "this official, Tuanku Ibrahim and so on a young

Relations between Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Arab Countries

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam has been in a relationship with Saudi Arabia for a very long time, dating back 7000 years BC and even tempeh now. The relationships formed from the kingdom have a fiber of emotional both in the political sector, harmonious in the world of trade and peaceful in the religious world. In the business world, in ancient times the Arab people took and cooperated in the business of trading camphor from Aceh, cinnamon, patchouli oil and so on. At the time of the birth of the first Islamic Kingdom in the archipelago, known as King Jeumpa or Sultan Jeumpa in Bireuen, in the 760s AD, with his real name Abdullah bin Hasan Mutsananna, who was the great-grandson of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. At that time, the relationship of the Kingdom of Perlak with Arabia, was a very strong political relationship. At the time, all political centers of Islam were referred to as caliphs and their centers were in Syria. But its first center was in Medina during the time of the companions of t

Aceh's Relations with Jiran Malaysia

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Malaysia have very close historical ties. Malaysia in friendship with Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam both in the context of struggle relations and in the context of the world of trade, business and so on. Aceh's close ties to Malaysia include Aceh once liberating the Malay peninsula or Malacca from Portuguese colonies.  Aceh at that time was very powerful in the land of jiran or Malaysia, the most famous consort of Sultan Iskandar Muda Raja in Aceh was the Pahang (Malaysia) person Putroe Phang aka princess of Pahang. Meanwhile, in political and military contests, as Aceh was plagued by prolonged conflict, Malaysia became the second base of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). It is evident that Aceh's relationship with Malaysia has been very harmonious since hundreds of years ago, both in political relations and trade. Before the Indonesian state became independent, Acehnese businessmen had been very existing and successful in the country of jiran or Malaysia.

Aceh's Historical Relations with Singapore

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam has a close historical relationship with Singapore . In the past, Sang Nila Utama was the founder of the ancient Singapore kingdom. When Singapore was attacked by the Majapahit Kingdom and the Kingdom of Singapore lost, in the end the descendants of the Main Indigo named Parameswara founded the Kingdom of Malacca. After the malak kingdom began, Singapore became the territory of Malacca.  When Malacca was defeated by the Portuguese in 1511, the kingdom of Johor was established, the territory of Singapore then also became the territory of Johor. During the Aceh Darussalam Sultanate led by Sultan Iskandar Muda Perkasa Alam Darmawangsa Tun Pangkat (1607-1636), the Aceh Sultanate with reinforcements from the Ottoman Turkish fleet conquered the territory of Johor and liberated the Malay lands from Portuguese clutches. After the Portuguese colonists were displaced, the territory of Singapore and Batu Puteh Island, located at the meeting point of the Singapore Strait w


The future is a time that cannot be predicted and can be studied. The direction of human life has been determined by True Source. Just as the doomsday and the day of vengeance men continue to practice for the provision of their respective lives. The time has been determined by the footsteps of the predecessors, it is absolutely going to happen. Every human being has the talent and the way to express what he sees and what he thinks. Such a way I am Imadul Auwalin or Nusantara Fotografi  The founder of Alhazennusantara Group has a way of carrying out God's command to return to the afterlife. Making good can be said to be a mandatory thing for every human being to do, God has told us to do virtue, it is for the person of every servant.  The nature of the world is a place for us to live our lives, worship and seek provisions for the afterlife. Give space in doing things in the world, he will give his best, of course do not damage the Nature that has been created by God. Man as the cal