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Dukungan Alhazennusantara Group Terhadap Pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto

Alhazennusantara Group dengan bangga menyatakan dukungannya terhadap pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto, presiden terbaru Indonesia, yang diharapkan mampu membawa perubahan signifikan dalam berbagai aspek pemerintahan dan kebijakan. Fokus utama Presiden Prabowo akan terarah pada isu-isu krusial seperti pertahanan, ekonomi, dan stabilitas politik. Dalam visi ini, beliau berupaya memperkuat posisi Indonesia di kancah internasional serta meningkatkan infrastruktur dan investasi dalam negeri. Di bidang ekonomi, Presiden Prabowo menekankan pentingnya hilirisasi komoditas dan pengurangan ketergantungan pada sektor tertentu. Ini diharapkan dapat memperkuat pertumbuhan sektor-sektor lain, seperti pertanian dan industri, serta menciptakan lapangan kerja baru. Selain itu, kebijakan swasembada pangan dan energi menjadi prioritas, terutama di tengah situasi global yang tidak menentu. Kebijakan sosial juga mendapatkan perhatian yang signifikan, dengan fokus pada pengentasan kemiskinan dan peningkatan ku...
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Aceh's forgotten political science roots!

To this day, the roots of political science, which is part of social science, are always taken from ancient Greece. Because of that, the names and works of ancient Greek philosophers of the 5th century BC (BC) such as Herodotus, Plato, Aristoteles are always the main references. Asian philosophers who are also considered the originators of political science are Confusius and Mensius as Chinese philosophers in the 4th century BC, while from Indonesia is Prapanca with his work Negarakertagama (see: Prof. Miriam Budiardjo, "Basics of Political Science", Publisher PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2008, page 5). The original title of the Negarakertagama manuscript was Desawarnana, meaning History of the Villages. Since it was rediscovered in a temple by the Dutch during an attack on one of the Balinese kingdoms in 1918, the old manuscript of Desawarnana was renamed Negarakertagama, meaning The Story of State Building. In the 1980s, I read the manuscript of Negarakertagama...

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Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam's Relationship with Turkey

Aceh Darussalam had diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire, including in order to seek help to repel colonialism by the Portuguese who at that time monopolized trade and were considered dangerous for the development of the Aceh sultanate. The Aceh Sultanate began to have diplomatic relations with Ottoman Turkey since the 16th century. Aceh has on several occasions sent envoys to Istanbul to ask for military assistance. They transported the products of trade commodities, especially pepper, to be offered to the sultan. As a result, Turkey sent instructors, soldiers, and weapons to Aceh to fight the invaders. Thus, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam established political relations with the Ottoman Empire in order to seek help in expelling the Portuguese who monopolized trade and were considered enemies in the field. Harmonization between Aceh and Turkey still has historical evidence until now such as the tomb of Tgk. Dibitai (Salahaddin). In addition to the desire to help Aceh as a brother, f...